ATTENTION: Coaches, Speakers, Healers, & Mission-Driven Entrepreneurs...

...Who Want to Master Their Message, Dominate Their Niche and Monetize Their Mission!

Signature Stories Made Easy™

with Christie Ruffino

Learn How to Leverage Your Story To Attract More Prospects and Serve More Clients

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  • Identify your signature story and learn how to cash in on your life experiences.

  • Build out your story highlighting your life purpose and genius zone.

  • Position yourself uniquely in the marketplace to attract and serve your ideal clients.

To Your EPIC 🚀 Success!

😍 Christie Ruffino

Hi, I’m Christie Ruffino,

You may know me as the Founder of the Dynamic Professional Women’s Network, or maybe even the Creator of the Overcoming Mediocrity Book Series and 5 Star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Podcast Host.

But what you may not know is that I’ve built a successful coaching business, not by crazy marketing tactics or expensive Facebook ads, but by authentically serving female entrepreneurs for almost 20 years.

That is why I love the Zig Ziglar quote, "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want."

That's where YOU come in...

You have no desire to build a global networking organization!. You're looking to master your message and monetize your mission (AKA: Have a profitable mission-driven business that lights you up.)

And, that's why I’ve compiled these resources; to help you have the first and next best steps to YOUR desired success.

To Your EPIC 🚀 Success!

😍 Christie Ruffino


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